What are Terrace Closing Prices?

Terrace closing prices There are many factors that affect it. Some of these are:

  • Province and district
  • climate structure
  • Type and quality of material to be used
  • Size and height of the area to be applied
  • Prices may increase or decrease depending on various factors such as the desired closure model.

The closed terrace areas serve as new windows opening to the environment. With this process, you will add a new and luxurious looking room to your home, regardless of summer or winter.

While the terrace closure processes significantly increase the financial value of the real estate, it becomes comfortable and transparent living spaces for you. Terrace closing prices On average, 1 square meter costs between 2,000-3,000 TL.

Although the prices stated here are purely symbolic figures, these figures may increase or decrease depending on your various preferences and wishes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Need to Get Permission to Cover a Terrace?

Yes, close the terrace Permission is required for this. any without permission terrace closure If this is done, various fines are imposed. close up terrace Permissions required for:

  • Renovation license: In order to obtain this license, you must go to the municipal institution in the relevant district and the license can be easily obtained after submitting some required documents. The average time to obtain the license is 5 days. In addition, this license does not cover the work to be carried out on the building and minor renovations and maintenance of outdoor areas.
  • Permission of building, site and flat owners: It is mandatory to obtain the permissions of all flat owners in the building. Otherwise, fines may be imposed for terrace closures or a decision may be made to completely demolish the building.

Is it a crime to close a terrace?

Is it a crime to close a terrace? This question frequently puzzles the minds of many people today.  terrace closure The process does not constitute any crime if the necessary permission and license is obtained.

 If the terrace is closed before the permit and license procedures are completed, this is considered a crime and fines may be imposed.

 Being careful and sensitive about this issue will protect you against any negative situations that may occur in the future and prevent you from losing your labor and money.

How Much Are Terrace Prices?

Terrace closing pricesvaries depending on various needs and factors. The main factors that determine prices are; There are many factors such as the material to be preferred being durable, high quality and long-lasting.

 If these factors are not taken into consideration, you will terrace closure You may suffer considerable damage from the process.

In order to avoid these situations, it is very important that you determine your needs and wishes correctly and have a survey done by professional companies before the transaction. If you make a discovery terrace closure A clear figure regarding prices will be determined.

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